Niels Asger Nielsen () and Lisbeth Fruensgaard Jeppesen ()
Additional contact information
Niels Asger Nielsen: The MAPP Centre, Aarhus School of Business, Postal: The Aarhus School of Business. The MAPP Centre, Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark
Lisbeth Fruensgaard Jeppesen: The MAPP Centre, Aarhus School of Business, Postal: The Aarhus School of Business. The MAPP Centre, Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark
Abstract: This report analyses the market for beef in the European Union. The information in this report primarily concerns the EU-15 countries. More than half of the beef consumption in the EU is sold as fresh beef products at the retail level, the rest being used in processed products or sold through catering outlets. This report will primarily focus on the market for beef sold fresh at the retail level. The report analyses consumption patterns and looks at various explanations of changes in beef consumption. A complementary analysis of the structure of the beef supply chain will comprise all links from farmers through cattle markets, slaughtering companies and wholesalers to retailers. Such an analysis of the basic structure of the distribution chain is helpful with a view to understanding the market’s use or non-use of marketing parameters like branding, advertising, product quality, and new product development. Section 2 contains an overview of the European beef market including trends in consumption, production and foreign trade as well as a description of some legal and political issues as well as of some factors concerning health and food safety, which are of importance to the beef market participants. In section 3 the beef consumption patterns in the EU are analysed and various factors influencing consumption patterns are considered, including demographic and economic factors as well as the influence of consumer preferences. Section 4 contains an analysis of the beef sector in terms of structure, competition and marketing strategies. Section 5 concludes the report with a summary of key findings. A number of interviews with slaughtering companies, trade organisations and retail chains in the United Kingdom, Greece and Denmark have been conducted to support the compilation of information for the report. The interviews have contributed to a better understanding of the market and they have provided validation for some of the information gathered in the report. The areas covered concern market trends, relations between actors in the distribution chain, product quality, new product development, branding, advertising and promotion. Where interviews contained valuable insights or comments which were difficult to summarise in a meaningful way, the answers have been reproduced in smaller print in nearly full length. Some of the data are incorporated in the text. The interview guidelines are attached in the Appendix. Five interviews were conducted in Denmark, three in the United Kingdom and four in Greece. The companies are classified according to size and market. Codes are used in the report to identify respondents. A legend of codes can be found in the Appendix.
Keywords: Food; Meat products; European Union
72 pages, March 1, 2001
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