Davide Romelli (), Christina Terra and Enrico Vasconcelos
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Davide Romelli: Essec business school
Christina Terra: Essec business school
Enrico Vasconcelos: Banco Central do Brasil
Abstract: This article investigates the impact of trade openness on the relationship between current account and real exchange rates, during episodes of sudden stops and of abrupt exchange rate depreciations. Using data for developed and emerging economies for the period 1970{ 2011, we find that more open economies are associated with lower exchange rate depreciations during sudden stops. We also provide evidence that, during abrupt exchange rate depreciation episodes, economies that are more open to trade experience a larger change in current ac- count and trade balance. In other words, our results indicate that improvements in current account and trade balance are accompanied by a smaller exchange rate depreciation in more open economies. These findings are robust to different measures of openness to trade and methodologies of identifying sudden stops and abrupt exchange rate depreciations.
Keywords: trade openness; sudden stops; exchange rate depreciation
32 pages, September 29, 2015
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