Maria Forsman () and Nikodemus Solitander ()
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Maria Forsman: Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Postal: Department of Management and Organization, P.O.B. 287; FIN 65100 Vasa, Finland
Nikodemus Solitander: Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Postal: Department of Marketing and Corporate Geography, P.O.B. 479; FIN 00101 Helsinki, Finland
Abstract: Researchers within the fields of economic geography and organizational management have extensively studied learning and the prerequisites and impediments for knowledge transfer. This paper combines two discourses within the two subjects: the-communities-of-practice and the learning region approaches, merging them through the so-called ecology of knowledge-approach, which is used to examine the knowledge transfer from the House of Fabergé to the Finnish jewellery industry. We examine the pre-revolution St Petersburg jewellery cluster and the post-revolution Helsinki, and the transfer of knowledge between these two locations through the components of communities of people, institutions and industry. The paper shows that the industrial dynamics of the Finnish modern-day goldsmith industry was inherently shaped both through the transfer and the non-transfer of knowledge. It also contends that the “knowledge-economy” is not anchored in and exclusive for the high technology sector of the late 20th century.
Keywords: learning; ecologies-of-knowledge; jewellery industry; the House of Fabergé; embeddedness
26 pages, September 2, 2004
Price: 10
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