Carl Fey and Daniel Denison ()
Additional contact information
Carl Fey: Dept. of Business Administration, Stockholm School of Economics, Postal: Dr. Carl F. Fey, Stockholm School of Economics, P.O. Box 6501, S-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden
Daniel Denison: IMD and University of Michigan, Postal: Dr. Daniel Denison, IMD, P.O. Box 915, CH-1001 Lausanne, Switzerland
Abstract: This paper extends the literature on organizational culture and effectiveness by examining a set of foreign-owned firms operating in Russia. Beginning with an existing model of organizational culture and effectiveness, the paper presents two linked studies. The first study is a survey of 179 firms designed to test the applicability of the model in the Russian context. The second study presents four case studies designed to ground the empirical results in the Russian context and identify areas where the model may need to be extended or reinterpreted. The results of both studies are interpreted with respect to the literature on Russian management practices. The discussion includes several recommendations for future research.
Keywords: Organizational Culture; Effectiveness; Russia
JEL-codes: M14
53 pages, April 19, 2000
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