Mickael Löthgren (), Magnus Tambour () and Niklas Zethraeus ()
Additional contact information
Mickael Löthgren: Dept. of Economic Statistics, Stockholm School of Economics, Postal: Stockholm School of Economics, P.O. Box 6501, 113 83 Stockholm, Sweden
Magnus Tambour: Dept. of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, Postal: Stockholm School of Economics, P.O. Box 6501, 113 83 Stockholm, Sweden
Niklas Zethraeus: Centre for Health Economics, Postal: Stockholm School of Economics, Box 6501, 113 83 Stockholm, Sweden.
Abstract: A relatively new approach to measure health status is to use non-parametric frontier methods, based on index and production theory. The purpose of this study is to construct and investigate some properties of a non-parametric health status index. The index is based on a non-radial efficiency measure obtained from a non- parametric health characteristics frontier model. The paper includes an empirical application where the health status index is applied to swedish data from a menopause clinic. The data is collected using the health status profile part of the EuroQol questionnaire. Quality weights are obtained using the time trade- off and visual analogue scale approaches. Correlations between the health status index and quality weights are analysed. The results show that the health status index is significantly correlated both with the rating scale and the time trade-off scores.
Keywords: Health status index; hormone replacement therapy; non- parametric frontier models; rating scale; Russell efficiency measure; time trade-off
JEL-codes: I10
18 pages, February 1996
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