Pablo Cardona ()
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Pablo Cardona: IESE Business School, Postal: IESE Business School. Research Division, Av Pearson 21, 08034 Barcelona, SPAIN
Abstract: This study compares the ratings for three dimensions of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) provided by managers (self-ratings), their subordinates, and their colleagues (superiors and peers) in the Spanish branch of a multinational food company. Using hierarchical confirmatory factor analysis, we find strong method effects, indicating that ratings from different sources provide different information. A comparison among means shows that, in most cases, subordinate and self-ratings are significantly higher than colleague ratings. We also add to the recent research about the dimensionality of OCB by performing a correlation analysis among OCB dimensions that controls for method effects. Our results show that, when methods are taken into account, correlations among OCB dimensions are not significant.
Keywords: Organizational citizenship behavior; rating source; self-ratings; method effect
18 pages, October 10, 2002
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