European Business Schools Librarian's Group

Department of Economics Working Papers,
Vienna University of Economics and Business, Department of Economics

No 72: Postkeynesianische Beschäftigungstheorie. Einige Prinzipielle Überlegungen

Arne Heise ()
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Arne Heise: Department of Economics, Vienna University of Economics & B.A.

Abstract: In a most recent textbook on employment theory Landmann/Jerger 1999), there is no mention of a distinct post Keynsian employment theory. This is the more surprising as the post Keynesian employment theory offers a truly macro- economic approach to the determination of the aggregate level of employment in an economy (with sets it apart from most neo-classical labour market theories) without lacking a comprehensive micro-economic foundation (as was the case with standard Keynesian employment theory). This paper intends to give a textbook-like survey of the principals of such a post Keynesian theory of employment and derives some principles for the impact of (nominal) wage policy on employment.

Keywords: Employment; Keynesianism; wage policy

JEL-codes: E12; E24 August 2000

Note: PDF Document, paper in german

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