European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

No 1353: Time for Memorable Consumption

Stefania Minardi () and Andrei Savochkin
Additional contact information
Stefania Minardi: HEC Paris
Andrei Savochkin: New Economic School (NES)

Abstract: "A consumption event is memorable if the memory of it affects well-being at times after the material consumption. We develop an axiomatic model of memorable consumption in a dynamic setting. Preferences are represented by the present value of the sum of utilities derived at each date from the current consumption and from recollecting the past.

Our model accommodates well-known phenomena in psychology, such as the peak-end rule, duration neglect, and adaptation trends. We provide foundations for a prominent special case of memory that has the Markovian property. The model is illustrated in application to life-cycle consumption-savings decisions and asset pricing. "

Keywords: consumption; peak-end rule

JEL-codes: D11

50 pages, October 10, 2019

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