European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

No 1365: Consequences of Disclosing Clinical Trial Results: Evidence from the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act

Thomas Bourveau, Vedran Capkun () and Yin Wang
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Thomas Bourveau: Columbia University - Columbia Business School, Accounting, Business Law & Taxation
Vedran Capkun: HEC Paris
Yin Wang: Singapore Management University - School of Accountancy

Abstract: We examine how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act (FDAAA) of 2007, which requires additional disclosures regarding clinical trial results, impacts information asymmetry between the disclosing pharmaceutical firm and capital market participants, the general public, academics, and practitioners. We document a reduction in information asymmetry in capital markets. We also document an increase in adverse event and product problem complaint reports filed against the pharmaceutical firms to the FDA and a higher number of drug and medical device recalls for affected firms after the FDAAA enactment. Finally, cross-sectional analyses suggest that the increase in FDA complaint reports and recalls after the FDAAA enactment was more prominent in firms with a higher bid-ask spread decrease. Taken together, our results suggest that the FDAAA has some benefits for both investors and consumers.

Keywords: disclosure; information asymmetry; clinical trial; regulation

JEL-codes: I18; M41; M48

53 pages, August 5, 2020

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