European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

No 1392: Are People Willing to Pay for Reduced Inequality?

Brian Hill and Thomas Lloyd
Additional contact information
Brian Hill: HEC Paris
Thomas Lloyd: HEC Paris

Abstract: In the face of rising income inequality (Acemoglu & Autor, 2011; Atkinson, Piketty, & Saez, 2011; Piketty, 2014; World Economic Forum, 2014), one recent proposal is to provide consumers with information about the income inequality across those involved in the production of each good, at the point of purchase. This has been shown to depress overall inequality (Hill, 2020), though its impact depends crucially on whether people are willing to pay more for goods whose production involves less income inequality. Here we investigate this largely unexplored empirical question through an incentivised, behavioural choice experiment on a representative sample of the English population. We find that a large majority are willing to pay significantly more for goods associated with less inequality. How much more people are willing to pay varies with political leaning and increases with the extent of the inequality reduction, but is positive across the political spectrum and for all studied inequality differences. Moreover, it is typically higher when inequality is reported in more intuitive and informa- tive formats. Our results bode well for the effectiveness of product-level inequality information provision as a tool for moderating income inequality, promising impacts even in markets where all goods involve relatively high inequality levels and potential participation across the political spectrum.

Keywords: Income inequality; inequality information provision; willingness to pay; inequality attitude; inequality reporting

JEL-codes: D30; D63; D90

60 pages, October 20, 2020

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