European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

No 1402: Does Big Data Improve Financial Forecasting? The Horizon Effect

Olivier Dessaint, Thierry Foucault and Laurent Frésard
Additional contact information
Olivier Dessaint: INSEAD
Thierry Foucault: HEC Paris
Laurent Frésard: Universita della Svizzera italiana (USI Lugano)

Abstract: Existing research suggests that alternative data is mainly informative about short-term future outcomes. We show theoretically that the availability of short-term oriented data can induce forecasters to optimally shift their attention from the long-term to the short-term because it reduces the cost of obtaining short-term information. Consequently, the informativeness of their long-term forecasts decreases, even though the informativeness of their short-term forecasts increases. We test and confirm this prediction by considering how the informativeness of equity analysts' forecasts at various horizons varies over the long run and with their exposure to social media data.

Keywords: Big data; Financial analysts forecasts; Forecasting horizon; Forecasts informativeness; Social media

JEL-codes: D84; G14; G17; M41

67 pages, November 17, 2020

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