European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

No 1406: Consumption of Values

Itzhak Gilboa, Stefania Minardi and Fan Wang
Additional contact information
Itzhak Gilboa: Tel Aviv University - Eitan Berglas School of Economics; HEC Paris - Economics & Decision Sciences
Stefania Minardi: HEC Paris
Fan Wang: ESSEC

Abstract: Consumption decisions are partly influenced by values and ideologies. Consumers care about global warming, child labor, fair trade, etc. Incorporating values into the consumer’s utility function will often violate monotonicity, if consumption hurts values in a way that isn’t offset by hedonic benefits. We distinguish between intrinsic and instrumental values, and argue that the former tend to introduce dis- continuities near zero. For example, a vegetarian’s preferences would be discontinuous near zero amount of animal meat. We axiomatize a utility representation that captures such preferences and discuss the measurability of the degree to which consumers care about such values.

Keywords: Consumption

JEL-codes: M30

60 pages, December 2, 2020

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