European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

No 1434: Cancel Culture and Social Learning

Ivan Marinovic, Davide Cianciaruso and Ilan Guttman
Additional contact information
Ivan Marinovic: Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
Davide Cianciaruso: HEC Paris
Ilan Guttman: Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Abstract: "We study social learning and information transmission in a sender-receiver game wherein senders may be attacked (``cancelled'') for challenging the status-quo beliefs. We find that cancellations (and self-censorship) don't arise unless there is a positive probability the receiver gains a direct benefit from attacking dissenting speakers. In this case, even receivers who bear a cost from cancelling speakers attack dissenting speakers, as a means to build a reputation for ``toughness''. By doing so, not only they deter future dissenters from revealing their private information but also influence the decision making process. Surprisingly, sometimes the larger the disagreement between speakers and receivers, the more information transmission is elicited in equilibrium. "

Keywords: Cancel culture

JEL-codes: D82

55 pages, January 29, 2022

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