European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

No 1461: Single-actor scandal or multiple-actor scandal? A framework for studying scandal dynamics

Yasir Dewan and Michael Jensen
Additional contact information
Yasir Dewan: HEC Paris
Michael Jensen: University of Michigan

Abstract: Scandal is the disruptive publicity of alleged misconduct and it is important for organizations because of its severe consequences. Distinguishing between single-actor scandals, i.e., scandals that result from publicity of misconduct by a single actor, and multiple-actor scandals, i.e., scandals that result from publicity of misconduct of a similar type by multiple actors, we develop a framework for studying scandal dynamics that draws a distinction between how scandals start (single-actor or multiple-actor) and how they end (single-actor or multiple-actor). We focus specifically on spillover scandals (from single to multiple actors) and scapegoating scandals (from multiple to single actors) and identify several mechanisms that affect the likelihood of these two important types of scandals. We conclude by developing a research agenda that builds upon the central contribution of our framework: the distinction between single- and multiple-organization scandals and the transitions that result in spillovers and scapegoating.

Keywords: misconduct; scandal; spillover; scapegoating; multiple-actor

JEL-codes: L00

30 pages, October 1, 2022

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