European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

No 1470: Data-driven Investors

Maxime Bonelli
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Maxime Bonelli: HEC Paris

Abstract: Using data technologies, like machine learning, investors can gain a comparative advantage in forecasting outcomes frequently observed in historical data. I investigate the implications for capital allocation using venture capitalists (VCs) as a laboratory. VCs adopting data technologies tilt their investments towards startups developing businesses similar to those already explored, and become better at avoiding failures within this pool. However, these VCs become concurrently less likely to pick startups achieving rare major success. Plausibly exogenous variations in VCs' screening automation suggest a causality between data technologies adoption and these effects. These findings highlight potential downsides of investors embracing data technologies.

Keywords: big data; machine learning; artificial intelligence; venture capital; entrepreneurship; innovation; capital allocation

JEL-codes: G24; L26; O30

114 pages, February 22, 2023

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