European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

No 1481: The Role of Third-Party Verification in Research Reproducibility

Christophe Pérignon
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Christophe Pérignon: HEC Paris

Abstract: Research reproducibility is defined as obtaining similar results using the same data and code as the original study. This simple, yet fundamental, property remains surprisingly difficult to validate in practice in many scientific fields, including economics. To check research reproducibility, third-party verifiers can complement the work done by journals’ internal teams. Third-party verifiers can also be used by individual researchers seeking a pre-submission reproducibility certification to signal the reproducible nature of their research. Using the example of the cascad certification agency, which I co-founded in 2019, I discuss the functioning, utility, comparative advantages, and challenges of third-party verification services.

Keywords: Research reproducibility; reproducibility certification; cascad certification agency

JEL-codes: C10

6 pages, July 14, 2023

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