European Business Schools Librarian's Group

Working Papers,
Copenhagen Business School, Department of International Economics and Management

1999 2000 2001 2002

No 17-2001: The Role of Knowledge in Firms’ internationalization Process: Wherefrom and Whereto
Bent Petersen, Torben Pedersen and Deo Sharma

No 16-2001: The Direction of Causality Between Blockholder Ownership and Firm Value: US and EU Evidence
Torben Pedersen, Steen Thomsen and Hans Kurt Kvist

No 15-2001: The Causal Relationship between Insider Ownership, Owner Identity and Market Valuation among the Largest European Companies
Torben Pedersen and Steen Thomsen

No 14-2001: MNC Knowledge Transfer, Subsidiary Absorptive Capacity and HRM
Dana Minbaeva, Torben Pedersen, Ingmar Bjoerkman, Carl F. Fey and H.J. Park

No 13-2001: Multinational Enterprises from Small Economies: The Internationalization Pattern of Large Companies from Denmark, Finland and Norway
Gabriel R.G. Benito, Jorma Larimo, Rajneesh Narula and Torben Pedersen

No 12-2001: The MNC as a Knowledge Structure: The Roles of Knowledge Sources and Organizational Instruments for Knowledge Creation and Transfer
Nicolai J. Foss and Torben Pedersen

No 11-2001: Coping Liability of Foreignness: Different Learning Engagements of Entrant Firms
Bent Petersen and Torben Pedersen

No 9-2001: Equity Pattern, Corporate Governance and Performance: A Study of India’s Corporate Sector
Murali Patibandla

No 8-2001: Trust and Learning in International Strategic Alliances
Bo Bernhard Nielsen

No 7-2001: The Role of Knowledge Embeddedness in the Process of Creation of Synergies in International Strategic Alliances
Bo Bernhard Nielsen

No 6-2001: Product Differentiation and Market Demand for TNC in an emerging economy: The Case of Indian Durable Consumer Goods Industries
Murali Patibandla

No 5-2001: Role of Transnational Corporations in the Evolution of a high-tech Industry: The Case of India’s Software Industry
Murali Patibandla and Bent Petersen

No 4-2001: The International Transfer of Production Models Some Lessons from German FDI in Hungary
Christoph Dörrenbächer

No 3-2001: Time and Path Dependencies in Foreign Acquisition Behaviours The History of Danish Takeovers Abroad 1888 to 1993
Jens Gammelgaard

No 2-2001: Market Reforms and Industrial Productivity: An Explanation
Murali Patibandla and B.V. Phani

No 1-2001: Pattern of Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Economies: An Exploration
Murali Patibandla

1999 2000 2001 2002
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