No 20-2007: The Implications of Globalization for Firms? Demand for Skilled and Unskilled Labor
Michael Rosholm, Christian Scheuer and Anders Sørensen
No 19-2007: Skill-Upgrading and Internationalization: Country-of-Origin or End-Use of Products
Anders Sørensen
No 18-2007: Behavioral Econometrics for Psychologists
Steffen Andersen, Glenn W. Harrison, Morten Igel Lau and Elisabeth E. Rutström
No 17-2007: Udenlandsk arbejdskraft i landbruget
Claus Aastrup Jensen, Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, Jakob Roland Munch and Jan Rose Skaksen
No 16-2007: Udenlandsk arbejdskraft i Danmark
Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, Jakob Roland Munch and Jan Rose Skaksen
No 15-2007: Does Coordination of Immigration Policies among Destination Countries Increase Immigration?
Jan Rose Skaksen, Nikolaj Malchow-Møller and Claus Aastrup Jensen
No 14-2007: The Causal Effects of Board Size in the Performance of Closely Held Corporations
Morten Bennedsen, Hans Christian Kongsted and Kasper Meisner Nielsen
No 13-2007: Do CEOs Matter?
Morten Bennedsen, Francisco Pérez-González and Daniel Wolfenzon
No 12-2007: Who is hurt by discrimination?
Birthe Larsen and Gisela Waisman
No 11-2007: Do attitudes towards immigrants matter?
Gisela Waisman and Birthe Larsen
No 10-2007: Under-reporting of income and Labour Market Performance
Ann-Sofie Kolm and Søren Bo Nielsen
No 9-2007: Firm productivity
Lisbeth la Cour and Delia Ionascu
No 7-2007: Self-Selection and Advise in Venture Capital Finance
Christian Keuschnigg and Søren Bo Nielsen
No 6-2007: Kapitalfondes opkøb af butikskæder
Niels Blomgren-Hansen
No 5-2007: Explaning Cross-Country Differences in Attitudes towards Immigration in the EU-15
Nikolaj Malchow-Møller, Jakob Roland Munch, Sanne Schroll and Jan Rose Skaksen
No 4-2007: Commodity Taxation and Parallel Imports
Pascalis Raimondos-Møller and Nicolas Schmitt
No 3-2007: Ownership structure and economic performance of European corporations
Morten Bennedsen, Martin Junge, Jesper Kragh Jacobsen, Svend Torp Jespersen and Kasper Meisner Nielsen
No 2-2007: Estimating the Impact of Time-Invariant Variables on FDI with Fixed Effects
Ronald B. Davies, Delia Ionascu and Helga Kristjánsdóttir
No 1-2007: Yardstick competition for multi-product hospitals
Per J. Agrell, Peter Bogetoft, Rein Halbersma and Misja C. Mikkers
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