European Business Schools Librarian's Group

IESE Research Papers,
IESE Business School

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2021

No D/483: Fostering values in organizations
Antonio Argandoña

No D/482: Contractual heterogeneity in strategic alliances.
Jeffrey J. Reuer and Africa Ariño

No D/481: Formación a través de tecnología en la literatura
Ketty Jauregui

No D/480: Market bundling strategies in the horizontal portal industry
Sandra Sieber and Josep Valor

No D/479: Differences in exchange rate pass-through in the euro area.
Jose M. Campa and Jose M. Gonzalez

No D/478: Regulatory change in network industries: The Spanish experience
Jordi Gual

No D/477: Cycle of a single company's involvement in an export consortium, The
Lluis G. Renart

No D/476: Part-Time work: Its evolution and results
Sandalio Gomez, Celia Pons and Carlos Marti

No D/475: Exchange rate pass-through into import prices: A macro or micro phenomenon?
Jose M. Campa and Linda S. Goldberg

No D/474: Effect of the rating source in organizational citizenship behavior: A multitrait-multimethod analysis, The
Pablo Cardona

No D/473: How much do middle managers matter, really? An empirical study on their impact on sustained superior performance
Johanna Mair

No D/472: Managing customer switching costs: A framework for competing in the networked environment
Mike Hess and Joan E. Ricart

No D/471: Value creation in European M&As.
Jose M. Campa and Ignacio Hernando

No D/470: Exchange rate crises and bilateral trade flows in Latin America
Jose M. Campa

No D/469: Exporting and capital investment: On the strategic behavior of exporters.
Jose M. Campa and J. Myles Shaver

No D/468: Value creation through entrepreneurial activity: A multiple constituency approach
Johanna Mair

No D/467: Impact of the Internet on market structure, The
Bruno Cassiman and Sandra Sieber

No D/466: Entrepreneurial behaviour in a large traditional firm: exploring key drivers
Johanna Mair

No D/465: Managing technology development for safety-critical systems
Marc Sachon and Elisabeth Paté-Cornell

No D/464: Inversión socialmente responsable: evolución, tendencias e implicaciones para la dirección de las empresas, La
Pablo Sanchez, Miguel A. Rodriguez and Joan E. Ricart

No D/463: Ethical challenges of the new economy: An agenda of issues
Antonio Argandoña

No D/462: Sustainable development and sustainability of competitive advantage: A dynamic and sustainable view of the firm.
Joan E. Ricart, Miguel A. Rodríguez and Pablo Sanchez

No D/461: Strategic thinking: Strategy as a shared framework in the mind of managers.
Esteban Masifern and Joaquim Vilà

No D/460: Optimal project rejection and new firm start-ups
Bruno Cassiman and Masako Ueda

No D/459: The value of tax shields is not equal to the present value of tax shields
Pablo Fernández

No D/458: Political party funding and business corruption
Antonio Argandoña

No D/457: Complementarity in the innovation strategy: Internal R&D, external technology acquisition, and cooperation in R&D.
Bruno Cassiman and Reinhilde Veugelers

No D/456: Valuation of brands and intellectual capital
Pablo Fernández

No D/455: Valuing real options: frequently made errors
Pablo Fernández

No D/454: Optimal capital structure: Problems with the Harvard and Damodaran Approaches
Pablo Fernadez

No D/453: EVA, Economic profit and cash value added do NOT measure shareholder value creation
Pablo Fernández

No D/452: Internet valuations: The case of Terra-Lycos
Pablo Fernández

No D/451: Valuing companies by cash flow discounting: Ten methods and nine theories
Pablo Fernández

No D/450: Valuation using multiples. How do analysts reach their conclusions?
Pablo Fernández

No D/449: Company valuation methods. The most common errors in valuations
Pablo Fernández

No D/448: A definition of shareholder value creation
Pablo Fernández

No D/447: Internacionalización vía alianzas estratégicas en la empresa familiar
Africa Ariño, Miguel Angel Gallo and Kristin Cappuyns

No D/446: Evolución de la inflación en España.
Miguel A. Ariño and Miguel A. Canela

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2021
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