No 828: Learning about Beta: time-varying factor loadings, expected returns and the conditional CAPM
Francesco Franzoni and Tobias Adrian
No 827: Levels of voluntary disclosure in IPO prospectuses : an empirical analysis
Thomas Jeanjean and Anne Cazavan-Jeny
No 826: Differences between domestic accounting standards and IAS: measurement, determinants and implications
Yuan Ding, Stolowy Hervé, Ole-Kristian Hope and Thomas Jeanjean
No 825: Interest alignment and firm performance
Oliver Gottschalg and Degenhard Meier
No 824: Understanding value generation in buyouts
Oliver Gottschalg and Achim Berg
No 820: Connaissance du prix par les enfants de 5 à 13 ans : une étude exploratoire
Marc Vanhuele and Coralie Damay
No 817: Searching for the accounting features of capitalism: an illustration with the economic transition process in China
Eve Chiapello and Yuan Ding
No 815: Nothing like the Enron affair could happen in France (!)
Hervé Stolowy
No 813: Consumers' immediate memory for prices
Marc VANHUELE, Gilles LAURENT and Xavier DREZE
No 812: Making things visible : audit quality control in the UK and the definition of the professional order
No 811: La rentabilité des services dans les entreprises industrielles: "enquête sur un postulat"
Véronique MALLERET
No 810: Does Analyst Following Curb Earnings Management?
François DEGEORGE, Yuan DING, Thomas JEANJEAN and Hervé STOLOWY
No 809: Repeat exposure effects of internet advertising
Janghyuk LEE and Donnel A. BRILEY
No 808: Why do firms opt for Alternative-Format Financial Statements ? Some Evidence from France
Yuan DING, Thomas JEANJEAN and Hervé STOLOWY
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