European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

No 1448: Sharpen your Sword for Litigation: Incumbent Strategic Reaction to the Threat of Entry
Annamaria Conti, Leonardo Ortega and Elie Sung

No 1447: Market Power and Credit Rating Standards: Global Evidence
Mingyi Hung, Pepa Kraft, Shiheng Wang and Gwen Yu

No 1446: Computational Indicators in the Legal Profession: Can Artificial Intelligence Measure Lawyers' Performance?
David Restrepo-Amariles, Pablo Marcello Baquero, Paul Boniol, Rajaa El Hamdani and Michalis Vazirgiannis

No 1445: Pessimistic Target Prices by Short Sellers
Alexandre Madelaine, Luc Paugam, Hervé Stolowy and Wuyang Zhao

No 1444: Overreaction in Expectations: Evidence and Theory
Hassan Afrouzi, Spencer Yongwook Kwon, Augustin Landier, Yueran Ma and David Thesmar

No 1443: Stock Ownership of Federal Judges and its Impact on Corporations
April M. Knill, Joseph "Fred" Kindelsperger and Alexei V. Ovtchinnikov

No 1442: How Do Recommender Systems Lead to Consumer Purchases? A Causal Mediation Analysis of a Field Experiment
Xitong Li, Jörn Grahl and Oliver Hinz

No 1441: ESG News, Future Cash Flows, and Firm Value
François Derrien, Philipp Krueger, Augustin Landier and Tianhao Yao

No 1440: Manifesto Shareholder Duacy and Efficient Governance for the XXIst Century Responsible Firm
Bruno Deffains, Rodolphe Durand and Daniel Hurstel

No 1439: What Matters in a Characteristic?
Hugues Langlois

No 1438: Impact Measurement Tools and Social Value Creation: A Strategic Perspective
Leandro Nardi, Sergio G. Lazzarini and Sandro Cabral

No 1437: The Impact of Privacy Laws on Online User Behavior
Julia Schmitt, Klaus M. Miller and Bernd Skiera

No 1436: Disclosures About Key Value Drivers in M&A Announcement Press Releases: An Exploratory Study
Andrei Filip, Gerald J. Lobo, Luc Paugam and Hervé Stolowy

No 1432: Asset Pricing with Systematic Skewness: Two Decades Later
Dan Anghel, Petre Caraiani, Alina Rosu and Ioanid Rosu

No 1431: Michelin Is Coming to Town: Organizational Responses to Status Shocks
Saverio Dave Favaron, Giada Di Stefano and Rodolphe Durand

No 1428: Quality and Product Differentiation: Theory and Evidence from the Mutual Fund Industry
Maxime Bonelli, Anastasia Buyalskaya and Tianhao Yao

No 1427: Design as a Dynamic Capability : A Building Capability Framework
Julie Sahakian and Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini

No 1426: Eliciting Multiple Prior Beliefs
Mohammed Abdellaoui, Philippe Colo and Brian Hill

No 1425: Legitimacy judgments and prosociality: Organizational purpose explained
Rodolphe Durand and Chang Wa Huynh

No 1424: Social Capital Accumulation Through Social Media Networks: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment and Individual-Level Panel Data
Michael Weiler, Simon Stolz, Andreas Lanz, Christian Schlereth and Oliver Hinz

No 1423: Assortment Optimization with Multi-Item Basket Purchase under Multivariate MNL Model
Stefanus Jasin, Chengyi Lyu, Sajjad Najafi and Huanan Zhang

No 1422: Reporting Technologies and Textual Readability: Evidence from the XBRL Mandate
Xitong Li, Hongwei (Harry) Zhu and Luo Zuo

No 1421: Real and Private-Value Assets
William N. Goetzmann, Christophe Spaenjers and Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh

No 1420: Evaluating Ambiguous Offerings
Romain Boulongne and Rodolphe Durand

No 1419: Ranking for Good? A Comparative Assessment of the Performance of French Corporations in Human Rights Rankings
Erika R. George and David Restrepo-Amariles

No 1418: Legal Indicators in Transnational Law Practice: A Methodological Assessment
David Restrepo-Amariles and Julian McLachlan

No 1416: Service Shutdowns and Compensation: Cash Refunds or Vouchers?
Rachel R. Chen, Eitan Gerstner, Daniel Halbheer and Paolo Roma

No 1415: Managerial Rationality in Global Governance: Driving Legal Behaviour through Indicators
David Restrepo-Amariles

No 1414: Better to Have Led and Lost than Never to Have Led at All? Lost Leadership and Effort Provision in Dynamic Tournaments
Cédric Gutierrez, Tomasz Obloj and Frank Douglas

No 1413: Unpacking Smart Law: How Mathematics and Algorithms are Reshaping the Legal Code in the Financial Sector
David Restrepo-Amariles and Gregory Lewkowicz

No 1412: Implementation Under Limited Commitment
Jean Barthelemy and Eric Mengus

No 1411: The Fairness of Credit Scoring Models
Christophe Hurlin, Christophe Pérignon and Sébastien Saurin

No 1393: Equilibrium Data Mining and Data Abundance
Jerome Dugast and Thierry Foucault

No 1344: Carbon Footprinting and Pricing Under Climate Concerns
Marco Bertini, Stefan Buehler, Daniel Halbheer and Donald R. Lehmann

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
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