European Business Schools Librarian's Group

HEC Research Papers Series,
HEC Paris

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

No 1417: Humanising Animal Slaughter Need Not Infringe Religious Freedom (Amicus Curiae Brief in C-336/19 Centraal Israëlitisch Consistorie Van België and Others)
Alberto Alemanno and Nicolas Michel de Sadeleer

No 1410: Do Private Equity Investors Create Value? Evidence from the Hotel Industry
Christophe Spaenjers and Eva Steiner

No 1409: The Ecosystem Penalty: Value Creation Technologies and Incentive Misalignment
Olivier Chatain and Elena Plaksenkova

No 1408: Towards a European Health Union: Time to Level Up
Alberto Alemanno

No 1407: Generalist vs. Specialist CEOs and Acquisitions: Two-sided Matching and the Impact of CEO Characteristics on Firm Outcomes
Guoli Chen, Sterling Huang, Philipp Meyer-Doyle and Denisa Mindruta

No 1406: Consumption of Values
Itzhak Gilboa, Stefania Minardi and Fan Wang

No 1405: Impact Investing and the Fostering of Entrepreneurship in Disadvantaged Urban Areas: Evidence from Microdata in French Banlieues
Romain Boulongne, Rodolphe Durand and Caroline Flammer

No 1404: COVID-19 as a Deal-Killer in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case Study
Matteo Winkler and Nicola Malta

No 1402: Does Big Data Improve Financial Forecasting? The Horizon Effect
Olivier Dessaint, Thierry Foucault and Laurent Frésard

No 1401: Deploying Narrative Economics to Understand Financial Market Dynamics: An Analysis of Activist Short Sellers’ Rhetoric
Luc Paugam, Hervé Stolowy and Yves Gendron

No 1400: Managerial Discretion to Delay the Recognition of Goodwill Impairment: The Role of Enforcement
Andrei Filip, Gerald J. Lobo and Luc Paugam

No 1399: The Role of Labels in Green Finance: Construction and Regulation of a Label Market in France
Patricia Crifo, Rodolphe Durand and Jean-Pascal Gond

No 1397: Declining Business Dynamism Among Our Best Opportunities: The Role of the Burden of Knowledge
Thomas B. Astebro, Serguey Braguinsky and Yuheng Ding

No 1396: Secrecy in Open Innovation and Open Innovation in Secrecy
Jonathan Langlois, Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini and Romaric Servajean-Hilst

No 1395: Combating Procrastination on MOOCs via Optimal Calls-to-Action
Ni Huang, Jiayin Zhang, Gordon Burtch, Xitong Li and Pei-Yu Chen

No 1394: Towards a European Strategy on Business-To-Government Data Sharing for the Public Interest
Alberto Alemanno

No 1392: Are People Willing to Pay for Reduced Inequality?
Brian Hill and Thomas Lloyd

No 1391: Privacy-Preserving Personalized Revenue Management
Yanzhe (Murray) Lei, Sentao Miao and Ruslan Momot

No 1390: Securities Lending and Trading by Active and Passive Funds
Pekka Honkanen

No 1389: Newspaper Censorship in China: Evidence from Tunneling Scandals
Ole-Kristian Hope Hope, Yi Li, Qiliang Liu and Han Wu

No 1388: Risk Managers in Banks
Matthias Efing, Patrick Kampkötter and Vincent Maurin

No 1387: Supplier Collaboration in Collaborative Product Development with Internal Competition
Timofey Shalpegin, Svenja C. Sommer and Christian van Delft

No 1386: Grammatical Gender and Anthropomorphism: “It” Depends on the Language
Alican Mecit, Tina M. Lowrey and L. J. Shrum

No 1383: Adaptive Grids for the Estimation of Dynamic Models
Andreas Lanz, Gregor Reich and Ole Wilms

No 1382: Price and Leadtime Disclosure Strategies in Inventory Systems
Vasiliki Kostami

No 1381: What If Dividends Were Tax‐Exempt? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Dušan Isakov, Christophe Pérignon and Jean-Philippe Weisskopf

No 1380: Small Data': Efficient Inference with Occasionally Observed States
Alexandros Gilch, Andreas Lanz, Philipp Müller and Gregor Reich

No 1379: Privacy Management in Service Systems
Ming Hu, Ruslan Momot and Jianfu Wang

No 1377: Earnings Expectations in the COVID Crisis
Augustin Landier and David Thesmar

No 1376: The Case for Citizen Participation in the European Union: A Theoretical Perspective on EU Participatory Democracy
Alberto Alemanno and James Organ

No 1375: Organizational Adaptation
Andrew Sarta, Rodolphe Durand and Jean-Philippe Vergne

No 1374: Costs and Benefits of Closing Businesses in a Pandemic
Jean-Noel Barrot, Maxime Bonelli, Basile Grassi and Julien Sauvagnat

No 1373: Taming COVID-19 by Regulation: An Opportunity for Self-Reflection
Alberto Alemanno

No 1372: The European Response to COVID19: From Regulatory Emulation to Regulatory Coordination?
Alberto Alemanno

No 1371: Sectoral Effects of Social Distancing
Jean-Noel Barrot, Basile Grassi and Julien Sauvagnat

No 1370: Target Search in Product Displays: A Visual Crowding Perspective
Ana Scekic, Selin Atalay, Cathy L. Yang and Peter Ebbes

No 1369: Novelty and Scope of Innovation in Manufacturing: The Role of Related and Unrelated Production Experience
Ivan Lugovoi, Dimitrios Andritsos and Claire Senot

No 1368: A New Benchmark for Dynamic Mean-Variance Portfolio Allocations
Hugues Langlois

No 1367: Online Reputation and Debt Capacity
François Derrien, Alexandre Garel, Arthur Romec and Jean-Philippe Weisskopf

No 1366: Europe’s Democracy Challenge: Citizen Participation in and Beyond Elections
Alberto Alemanno

No 1365: Consequences of Disclosing Clinical Trial Results: Evidence from the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act
Thomas Bourveau, Vedran Capkun and Yin Wang

No 1364: Nudge and the European Union
Alberto Alemanno

No 1363: ESG Investing: How to Optimize Impact?
Augustin Landier and Stefano Lovo

No 1362: Being up Front about Income Inequality
Brian Hill

No 1361: The Limits of Ambidexterity: Evidence from Netflix’s Entry
Ankur Chavda

No 1360: Does the Marginal Entrepreneur Matter?
Ankur Chavda

No 1359: The influence of pay transparency on inequity, inequality, and the performance-basis of pay in organizations
Tomasz Obloj and Todd Zenger

No 1358: Measuring Regulatory Complexity
Jean-Edouard Colliard and Co-Pierre Georg

No 1357: The Downside of Staged Development: Evidence from Television Shows
Ankur Chavda

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
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